Navigating the Current State of the World

woman reading news on laptop

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and depression as you watch the news? Have you noticed that conversations with loved ones often revolve around the negative events happening in our world? The current state of affairs, including daily shootings, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and conflicts like the situation in Ukraine, can leave us feeling afraid and hopeless about the future.

In these challenging times, it's essential to find ways to cope. One approach is to focus on being present. But what does that mean? Being present involves recognizing when our thoughts begin to spiral and bring ourselves back to the present moment. It's about becoming aware of our thoughts and choosing how to interact with them.

Much of our suffering stems from the constant stream of thoughts in our minds. We have the power to observe these thoughts rather than getting caught up in them—a practice known as mindfulness. By practicing mindfulness during moments of calm, such as while washing dishes or taking a walk, we strengthen our ability to be present when faced with stress and negativity.

Mindfulness is not a quick fix; it's a skill that requires practice. The more we engage in mindfulness, the better equipped we become to navigate challenging situations. By embracing the present moment, we can find a sense of spaciousness and calm amidst the chaos of the world around us.

Let's embark on this journey of being present together and discover the peace that lies within each moment.

If the endless negative news cycles are causing you anxiety, contact me to learn more about how anxiety therapy can help.


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National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is Feb 21st – Feb 27th