Has A Traumatic Experience Turned Your Life Upside-Down?
Are you so busy fighting negative, catastrophic thoughts connected to your past that you can’t squeeze in one moment to breathe and relax?
Do you feel like your mind and body are constantly in a state of alarm for no apparent reason?
Maybe you’re so worried about being attacked, injured, or abandoned that you never quite feel safe—even in your most intimate relationships. Or perhaps you realize that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been holding you back, and you’re finally ready to find out if counseling can help you.
Trauma And PTSD Can Wear You Down In Many Ways
Moodiness, irritability, or anger issues are likely straining your relationships. And even in the company of family and friends (where you think you’d feel safe), you may be on edge or hypervigilant—as if imminent danger lurks around the corner.
Or maybe you have nightmares or hyper-focus on the past to the point that you can’t eat, sleep right, or even carry out simple tasks. At the end of the day, you probably feel totally exhausted from always watching your back, waiting for the worst to happen.
You may even blame yourself for your traumatic experience or how the emotional fallout is affecting others.
Please be assured: you do have allies who understand! With the help of a caring and compassionate trauma therapist, you can learn to live with greater courage, confidence, and peace of mind.
Many People Struggle With Unseen Trauma And PTSD
No matter if male or female, a lot of people will endure some form of trauma within their lifetime. And although not all of those individuals will develop PTSD, painful experiences from the past often have a way of causing issues with life in the present.
Because only a portion of people ever seek treatment for trauma or PTSD, many of us probably know someone who is quietly struggling, despite that it appears as if they’re leading a “normal” life.
Most of us are familiar with the common causes of trauma:
severe injuries
medical diagnoses
physical assault
combat experience
loss of a loved one
However, trauma and PTSD can also be caused by prolonged exposure to a toxic situation, such as childhood neglect, bullying, rejection, public humiliation, or emotional abuse.
Trauma Can Be Hard To Overcome Without Therapy
When we experience something traumatic, our minds can get lost in a whirlwind of negative thoughts and painful memories. Overwhelming fear, constant worry, or emotional numbness can completely rob us of hope. Support networks can slowly break down if we withdraw socially.
And then, there are the painful reminders of our experiences—triggers that keep us stuck in the past, unable to make changes even if we knew what could make us feel better.
Fortunately, there is help!
Trauma therapy can teach you how to feel calm and focused, despite the chaos, and show you how to move on with your life. Although it may not seem like it now, it is possible for you to feel safer, more grounded, and able to navigate this world without fear.
Trauma Therapy Can Help You Take Back Your Life
Many people find the idea of trauma counseling scary because they’re worried about getting overwhelmed or having to relive the past. However, our job as therapists is to make sure that doesn’t happen by giving you a supportive space where you can truly be heard.
Often, the most important part of counseling is the therapeutic relationship between you and your therapist. That’s why we first aim to build a relationship of trust with you, walking beside you as you grow more comfortable with the healing process.
No matter what happened in your past, please be assured that you are not damaged or broken! You’re just a human being who’s in pain. And that’s why we’re here—to help you heal and finally reclaim your life.
How We Approach Trauma And PTSD Treatment
Each person’s situation is unique, so our therapists will draw from a range of evidence-based therapeutic methods to match your specific needs. In our initial sessions, we’ll gain a better understanding of the root of your trauma and how it’s affecting you on a physical, emotional, and mental level.
In ongoing sessions, we’ll identify patterns in your life that may be limiting you while exploring new, more effective ways of coping with your symptoms. At the same time, we can also address negative self-beliefs and other obstacles.
To achieve all of this, we’ll explore questions such as:
How has your experience affected your relationships?
What reminders or current stressors cause you to lose control?
What are your goals for therapy, and what do you really want your life to look like?
What Else You Can Expect From Trauma Therapy
Ultimately, we want to help you fully express yourself so you can heal and address core issues. To do that, we’ll equip you with valuable life skills and coping strategies so that, if we do touch a sensitive spot, you’ll be able to manage your emotions and stay grounded.
Because trauma is often complicated by underlying factors, we’ll also explore other aspects of your past while, at the same time, tackling challenges in the here and now. That means we’ll identify any history of trauma in your family and may look at your upbringing, childhood experiences, or teen years. Of course, you’ll always have control of the topics we cover and the pace we move.
Whatever your situation is, you do have a place where you can let your guard down, tell your story, and finally begin healing and moving forward.
Reaching out for help can be difficult, even scary. But by letting us help you find hope, confidence, and a lasting sense of peace and safety, you can discover a brand new way of living!
But You May Still Have Questions About Trauma Therapy...
Will I have to talk about my worst memories?
Our job is to make you feel better, not worse. So we’re always going to be thinking about your well-being. If you ever feel uncomfortable talking about something, we’ll find a workaround. This process of healing is a personal journey, which means you are in control of where we go, what we do, and how quickly we do it. Wherever your path takes you, we’ll be by your side.
I’m worried that I’ll be judged.
First and foremost, you are a survivor and deserve to be admired and respected for that. We’ll never judge or look down on you! Secondly, the fear, self-blame, or shame you feel is probably coming straight from the wounds of your past experiences.
Fortunately, trauma treatment can help you understand, process, and finally make peace with the past so it’s no longer the driving force in your life. That includes learning to free yourself from feelings of guilt, judgment, and shame.
Why can’t I do this on my own without trauma therapy?
Trauma and PTSD affect the brain on a neurological level, changing how you think, feel, view, and interact with the world. In a sense, trauma scrambles your circuitry so that you’re constantly going in circles.
Trauma counseling helps you rewire your brain, enabling you to process painful experiences and move forward instead of helplessly flashing back to the past. This kind of healing journey is made a lot easier by working with someone who has the experience, expertise, and desire to support you on your way.

If you’re ready to free yourself from the past and start living your best life, trauma therapy can offer you a newfound sense of freedom and inner peace. To find out more about how trauma and PTSD treatment can help improve your life, we invite you to contact us.