Why Do Women Initiate Divorce More than Men?

No one gets married assuming that they’re going to get divorced. Unfortunately, according to the American Psychological Association, about 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. What’s interesting is that in recent years, more women have initiated the divorce process than men. 

This statistic isn’t just a coincidence. While each marriage is different and you’re likely to get a variety of answers if you ask women why they wanted things to end, there are several consistent factors that play into this trend. 

Let’s take a closer look at why women initiate divorce more than men, and what it might mean for your marriage. 

A Lack of Contentment

Woman in White Dress Shirt and Black Skirt Sitting on Gray Couch

Even though we live in the 21st century, old societal habits can die hard. A man can be a champion of feminism, but there still might be lingering expectations about marital roles. 

That’s why men are often more likely to be content after getting married than women. They might have expectations that their wife will “take care” of everything from housework and cooking to raising children. 

Women, on the other hand, are more likely to experience a lack of contentment. Some of it can stem from traditional gender roles, but it often largely has to do with complacency. 

Independent Women

One good thing about living in this time is that there are more opportunities for women than ever before. While we still have a long way to go when it comes to things like gender equality and equal pay, there’s no denying that women are breaking the glass ceiling every day. 

As a result, it’s easier for women to initiate divorce today than it was even 20 years ago. They know there will be job opportunities available to them if they leave their spouse, so they don’t necessarily have to feel stuck or tied down in a marriage for financial reasons. In the past, some women may have stayed in unhappy marriages because they were worried about financial independence. That’s often less of a concern now. 

Not Settling

Marriage has been something that has been advertised and idealized toward women for centuries. From bridal magazines and expos to television shows about weddings targeting female audiences, women have been led to believe that they should want to get married, no matter what. 

In more recent years, however, more women are recognizing that they don’t have to settle for a person or relationship they don’t want solely because they think they should get married. Many women are getting married later in life because they won’t settle. Others are realizing that they were sold something that didn’t provide them with the happiness that was promised. As women start to tap into their own expectations, they are starting to see that they don’t need to settle just because of societal norms. That is creating a rise in divorces across the country. 

Women are less likely nowadays to tolerate behaviors and actions that they may have “put up with” in the past. That includes everything from emotional and physical abuse to infidelity. 

As we see a rise in women’s rights and opportunities, it makes sense that female-initiated divorces are also on the rise. Again, divorce is a very personal thing. But, it’s hard to ignore the impact society has on marriages, including the way they might dissolve. 

If you’re unhappy in your own marriage and you’re considering divorce, think about the underlying cause(s) before taking that next step. If you’re struggling with your emotions and need help, please don’t hesitate. Feel free to contact me to set up an appointment for couples therapy. Together, we’ll dig deeper into what you’re feeling and provide clarity into whether divorce is the right option for you. 


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