How to Talk About Eating Disorders
If you’re concerned that someone you care about is dealing with an eating disorder, you might not know how to approach them. After all, you don’t want to offend them or trigger them in any way.
Understanding Eating Disorders in Adults
Eating disorders are commonly associated with teenagers and adolescents, but it's essential to recognize that many adults also grapple with these issues.
Recognizing Exercise Addiction: Are You at Risk?
Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health, but can some individuals take it too far? How much exercise is too much?
Understanding Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes Harmful
Healthy eating is undeniably beneficial for overall health and well-being. However, some individuals take healthy eating to an extreme, leading to the development of an eating disorder known as orthorexia.
Understanding Disordered Eating and How Therapy Can Help
Disordered eating, also known as “eating disorders,” refers to a behavioral condition characterized by disruptions in eating behaviors accompanied by distressing thoughts and emotional patterns.
Parenting Strategies For Navigating Eating Disorders In Today's World
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are serious psychiatric illnesses akin to anxiety and depression. Individuals grappling with these disorders utilize food in unhealthy ways to cope with challenging emotions and life circumstances.
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is Feb 21st – Feb 27th
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, occurring from February 21st to February 27th, is an annual initiative aimed at educating the public about eating disorders and providing support to individuals affected by them.
Navigating Intuitive Eating During COVID-19
COVID-19 has been likened to the freshman year of college – stressful, overwhelming, and all too easy to gain extra weight! Many of us, confined to our homes and grappling with stress over the past 4-5 months, have experienced a decline in our eating habits.