5 Ways You Can Support Someone with Depression
It’s estimated that around 280 million people across the globe deal with depression. Chances are, someone you know has it, whether they outwardly show their symptoms or not.
What Is High-Functioning Depression and How Can You Manage It?
Noticing the signs and symptoms of depression can be difficult. It can be even more difficult if someone has high-functioning depression and can mask their symptoms.
6 Signs Indicating Depression in Your Teen
Navigating the tumultuous transition from childhood to young adulthood can pose a challenge in understanding your teen's behavior. It becomes crucial to discern whether their emotions and actions stem from typical adolescent development or if they signify a deeper issue.
Effective Ways to Help Someone with Depression: A Guide for Loved Ones
Seeing a close friend or family member struggling can be painful. Not knowing what they’re going through or how to help can amplify how you’re feeling.
Tips for Maintaining Health While Working from Home
For some individuals, working from home is a familiar routine, especially in the gig economy where freelancing from a home office is commonplace. However, for others, remote work is a new experience brought on by the global pandemic, significantly altering their daily lives and impacting overall health.
Mental Wellness Practices for 2021
In a society often fixated on physical health and appearance, mental health can sometimes be overlooked.
How Do Sleep Patterns Influence Depression?
When it comes to depression and sleep, the relationship tends to mimic a chicken-and-egg situation. It can be difficult to tell which one came first and which one followed.