Opt for Lifelong Health: Say Goodbye to Diets
Did you know that May 6th is International No Diet Day? This holiday was established to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness about the potential risks associated with fad dieting.
Recognizing Exercise Addiction: Are You at Risk?
Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health, but can some individuals take it too far? How much exercise is too much?
Effective Ways to Help Someone with Depression: A Guide for Loved Ones
Seeing a close friend or family member struggling can be painful. Not knowing what they’re going through or how to help can amplify how you’re feeling.
Have You Been Diagnosed with Anxiety? Here Are Your Next Steps...
For many adults, anxiety is a part of their daily lives. It’s an emotion that can be confusing and occur at a moment's notice. In many cases, those with anxiety and those around them wonder not only what is happening, but why it's happening.
Identifying Signs of PTSD: Am I Affected?
Beyond combat or terrorist attacks, various traumatic incidents such as assault, natural disasters, or accidents can trigger PTSD. If you suspect you or a loved one may be struggling with PTSD, here are some signs to watch for.
Understanding Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes Harmful
Healthy eating is undeniably beneficial for overall health and well-being. However, some individuals take healthy eating to an extreme, leading to the development of an eating disorder known as orthorexia.
Understanding Disordered Eating and How Therapy Can Help
Disordered eating, also known as “eating disorders,” refers to a behavioral condition characterized by disruptions in eating behaviors accompanied by distressing thoughts and emotional patterns.
Am I Codependent?
Codependency characterizes an unhealthy or imbalanced relationship where one person's needs are prioritized over the other's. In codependent dynamics, individuals may enable harmful behavior in their loved ones by supporting them, even if it detrimentally affects their own well-being.
Key Questions to Ask a Therapist During A Consultation
Starting therapy for the first time can be a daunting experience, but there are steps you can take to alleviate any anxiety. Ensuring you choose a therapist who is the right fit for you is one of those steps.
Strategies for Managing Emotional Eating
Dealing with stress and overwhelming emotions prompts various coping strategies, including turning to substances like drugs or alcohol, smoking, or excessive spending. For many, finding solace in favorite foods becomes a go-to response.
Understanding Racial Trauma
Racial trauma, also known as race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to the mental and emotional stress resulting from racial bias, discrimination, and hate crimes. Individuals who encounter these experiences often face lasting negative consequences.
Recognizing Signs of Trauma in Your Loved Ones: When to Seek Help
In recent years, the nation has witnessed numerous traumatic events, ranging from mass violence to devastating natural disasters. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have directly experienced or witnessed such calamitous or life-threatening incidents.
Parenting Strategies For Navigating Eating Disorders In Today's World
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are serious psychiatric illnesses akin to anxiety and depression. Individuals grappling with these disorders utilize food in unhealthy ways to cope with challenging emotions and life circumstances.
What Exactly is EMDR?
EMDR serves as a therapeutic solution for an array of mental health issues, but what exactly is it?
4 Signs of Unhealed Attachment Trauma
The earliest trick we learn in life is how to ask for help, and that’s through tears. Infants don’t only cry when they’re hungry. Sometimes, they want warmth, closeness, social attention, safety reassurance, and other emotional reassurance.
What If You Can't Remember Trauma In EMDR Therapy?
Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) has become increasingly popular over the last few years. It’s a safe, effective, and unique form of therapy that can be especially helpful for people who have experienced trauma.
Navigating the Current State of the World
Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and depression as you watch the news? Have you noticed that conversations with loved ones often revolve around the negative events happening in our world?
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is Feb 21st – Feb 27th
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, occurring from February 21st to February 27th, is an annual initiative aimed at educating the public about eating disorders and providing support to individuals affected by them.
How to Manage Social Anxiety Post-COVID
While many eagerly anticipate resuming normal social activities, there are individuals experiencing a resurgence of social anxiety. This is entirely understandable.
What Is the Role of Communication in Successful Couples Therapy?
During the length of any relationship, there are going to be ups and downs, trials and tribulations. Life will try to throw a lot of challenges at you. How you respond to your partner in these instances can make or break your bond.